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Mom Khodijah Ghani
Reducing my hate Dear Mrs. Anita I'm having deep dilematis problem, l often yell, scream n angry to my daughter. It's not because she's naughty or careless, simply because I hate her father so much. Although I'd divorced, but the irrelevant hate towards him always on me and l wanna take revenge on him for every breath l take. And unfortunately my daughter has been the victim along these 6 years...
Reducing my hate oleh Mom Khodijah Ghani Dear Mrs. Anita I'm having deep dilematis problem, l often yell, scream n angry to my daughter. It's not because she's naughty or careless, simply because I hate her father so much. Although I'd divorced, but the irrelevant hate towards him always on me and l wanna take revenge on him for every breath l take. And unfortunately my daughter has been the victim along these 6 years...
Psikolog Anna Surti Ariani 'Nina'
Psikolog Anna Surti Ariani 'Nina'
Hi Mom Khodijah Ghani, // I’m sorry for your daughter become a victim of your hatred toward his father. Unfortunately, this can be bad for future psychological development. It is unfair for her being a victim when you think her father is the one who has responsibility. // It’s good you’ve realized your anger. However, this awareness will be useless if you don’t change. I believe that whatever happens to her father, you’d love your daughter, don’t you? Therefore, you must change yourself. // What changes can you do? First, of course you need to control your behavior. If you have a bad thought of her father, you’d better stay away from your daughter, going to your bedroom, then yelled. Second, of course you should reduce your trauma of divorce, including past trauma with her father. I recommend you to consult a clinical psychologist or family psychologist. // Good luck. @AnnaSurtiNina
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